Murals Illustrations

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52 Murals illustrations found
MU032 - Red Deer Stag painting on the ceiling of the Duart carriage
MU032 - Red Deer Stag painting on the ceiling of the Duart carriage
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MU033 - Crested Tit painting in the Duart carriage
MU033 - Crested Tit painting in the Duart carriage
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MU034 - Mountain Ringlet Butterfly painting in the Duart carriage
MU034 - Mountain Ringlet Butterfly painting in the Duart carriage
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MU035 - Paintings in the Duart carriage
MU035 - Paintings in the Duart carriage
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MU036 - Marsh Fritillary Butterfly painting in the Duart carriage
MU036 - Marsh Fritillary Butterfly painting in the Duart carriage
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MU037 - Belmond Northern Belle Chatsworth Carriage in its Depot
MU037 - Belmond Northern Belle Chatsworth Carriage in its Depot
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MU038 - Paintings in the Chatsworth carriage of the Northern Belle
MU038 - Paintings in the Chatsworth carriage of the Northern Belle
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MU039 Northern Belle mural (Banded Ruby Hummingbirds) from a painting by John Gould
MU039 Northern Belle mural (Banded Ruby Hummingbirds) from a painting by John Gould
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MU040 Northern Belle mural (Blue-headed Sapphire) from a painting by John Gould,
MU040 Northern Belle mural (Blue-headed Sapphire) from a painting by John Gould,
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MU041 Belmond Northern Belle mural (Glowing Puff-leg Hummingbirds) from a painting by John Gould
MU041 Belmond Northern Belle mural (Glowing Puff-leg Hummingbirds) from a painting by John Gould
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MU042 - Painting of Stone Lion in the Chatsworth carriage
MU042 - Painting of Stone Lion in the Chatsworth carriage
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MU043 - Painting of Maple Leaves in the Chatsworth carriage
MU043 - Painting of Maple Leaves in the Chatsworth carriage
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