Prehistoric Illustrations

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111 Prehistoric illustrations found
PF033 - Sea-Dragon Ichthyosaurus (beak & teeth)
PF033 - Sea-Dragon Ichthyosaurus (beak & teeth)
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PF034 - Sea-Dragon Ichthyosaurus (paddle bone)
PF034 - Sea-Dragon Ichthyosaurus (paddle bone)
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PF035 - Sea lily Fossil Stem pieces (Platycrinites)
PF035 - Sea lily Fossil Stem pieces (Platycrinites)
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PF036 - Seapen Fossil (Charnia)
PF036 - Seapen Fossil (Charnia)
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PF037 - Seasnail Fossil (Platyceras)
PF037 - Seasnail Fossil (Platyceras)
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PF038 - Shark Tooth Fossil
PF038 - Shark Tooth Fossil
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PF039 - Shark Tooth Fossil (Carcharocles)
PF039 - Shark Tooth Fossil (Carcharocles)
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PF040 - Sponge Ventriculites preserved in flint
PF040 - Sponge Ventriculites preserved in flint
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PF041 - Tree Leaf Fossil (angiosperm) Platanus
PF041 - Tree Leaf Fossil (angiosperm) Platanus
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PF042 - Treefern Frond Fossil (Pecopteris)
PF042 - Treefern Frond Fossil (Pecopteris)
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PF043 - Trilobite Fossil
PF043 - Trilobite Fossil
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PF044 - Tuning Fork Graptolite Fossil (Didymograpus)
PF044 - Tuning Fork Graptolite Fossil (Didymograpus)
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